9/11 Rescue Dogs…remembered~!

rescue dog

If you ever worked with rescue dogs, then you will know that they are doing hard work. Searching for survivors after disasters like 9/11, that’s what they are trained for. Their goal is to find as many as possible, it’s a race against time. Then, when they can’t find any more survivors, that’s when they continue to search for the remains of victims. It’s hard on them and on their handlers and owners, you can see it in their eyes. 

Around 900 rescue dogs were deployed to New York City on September 11, 2001; they worked with search and rescue teams around the clock, day and night, while they were trying to locate trapped people underneath the rubble of the World Trade Center. Today only one is still alive~!

So this year in remembrance of a good friend, I would like to pay a different tribute. A tribute to the 4-legged helpers at 9/11.

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13 thoughts on “9/11 Rescue Dogs…remembered~!

  1. Pingback: Meet one of the last two surviving 9/11 rescue dogs, 16-year-old Bretagne | Impromptu Promptlings

  2. Pingback: Meet the last surviving 9/11 rescue dog, 16-year-old Bretagne | Impromptu Promptlings

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