Everything – Friday Fictioneers



There is no electricity, here in this rural area in Africa.
The women make flour by hand. Surrounded by small children, they sit in the hut and grind the wheat between two stone plates.
Kids are playing a game; all are cheering and laughing, some are singing.
“How can they be happy?” we wonder, “They have nothing compared to us?”
“What do you need to be happy?” An old man asks.
He points with his cane to something we can’t see. “The sun, the wind, some rain and food to eat. We have everything,” he says and we fall silent.

(Word count: 100)

This is my entry to this weeks 100-word challenge. The Friday Fictioneers is held by Rochelle-Wisoff Fields. Click >>>here<<< and join the fun but I must warn you, it’s addictive.

I love to write about Africa. Thank you, now I will be smiling for the rest of the day.

43 thoughts on “Everything – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Very wise to be reminded of the basics. But ‘just living’ also means: no advanced medicine, no emergency transport or aid, no help when the harvest is bad, no money or knowledge to pursue different dreams from that of the group and so on. Many people around the world don’t have that either, but they should. Great thought-provking story.

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