Almost Midnight – Friday Fictioneers


PHOTO PROMPT © Jennifer Pendergast

Photo prompt Jennifer Pendergast


It’s the clock for all life here on earth; it shows us how much time we have left to make it right. Once the handle reaches 12 o’clock, it will be all over.

We have tortured this planet, we have tormented and butchered every life form here on earth.

For a while, the clock had gone backward, had given us more time, but now it’s moving forward again.

MIDNIGHT that’s when it will be over for all of us, that’s when the gambling will stop.

When will we understand that we are killing ourselves when we harm everything around us.

Word count: 100

Friday Fictioneers is held by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Write a complete story in 100-words or less, that’s the goal and so many of us come up with wonderful ideas every week. Reading other posts is as much fun as writing your own response.

36 thoughts on “Almost Midnight – Friday Fictioneers

  1. I’m trying to lose weight so I can stick my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye. Still got a ways to go, so if you could slow the clock down just a bit, I’d appreciate it. 🙂

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