Free Press

Image result for the press is for the governed

Great quote! I thought it might be a good reminder, at a time, when the free press is being attacked over and over again. As a matter of fact, I want to thank all the brave women and men who -with their pencils and keyboards- try to shed some light on some things that are hidden in the dark.  Continue reading

The Enemies of the American People -The New Yorker



Lenin, Stalin, and the rest—used the term vrag naroda, an “enemy of the people,” it was an ominous epithet that encompassed a range of “wreckers” and “socially dangerous elements.” To be branded an enemy of the people was to face nearly inevitable doom; such a fate was soon followed by a knock on the door in the middle of the night, a prison cell, the Gulag, an icy ditch—a variety of dismal ends. Continue reading