Awardfree blog

I was so thrilled when I got nominated for an award, right after I just started blogging. I felt humbled and honored…still do.

Thank you for all the rewards. I am humbled and encouraged by the recognition.

I got a big surprise in May 2015 and I don’t think anything can top that.


The post can be seen >>>here<<<

Rewards encourage bloggers starting out and that’s a wonderful thing, so I am asking you to give the award you had in mind, to a new blogger, instead of me.

Rather than accept your kind nominations, I prefer to spend time writing and reading your blogs.

Comments are the best reward ever, the icing on the blogger’s cake…so to speak.

So, I declare this blog

Award Free


However, if you want to send flowers or cake instead of an award…now that’s a totally different ballgame :-).

14 thoughts on “Awardfree blog

  1. I love, love the “Award free” icon! Is it yours or can I copy it for my blog? I love that awards encourage new bloggers but, like you, I don’t like to participate in the process and I really don’t like putting the burden of a nomination on someone else (because they usually require you to nominate others). I’ve had to politely refuse awards before, but maybe an “Award free” badge would discourage it in the first place.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have no recollection where I got the “Award free” icon from. Please, feel free and use it. It does make a big difference. You will not get any nominations anymore.

      Many blogs are awardfree, so don’t feel bad. As you say, it’s a nice “game” when you start blogging but then it gets rather old. Mainly because there never is an award…just a nomination (Go figure!)


    • Congratulations about beating Cancer. I think it depends how hard one quitting journey was. In my case it was way too easy to call it an achievement. I don’t think I actually quit smoking, I think I had just outgrown it.


    • That’s a very nice thing to say. However, if you come here because you feel I might agree with the “militantnegro” then you will be disappointed with my blog. My world is not just white and black, there are many colors in between and I like them all.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Could not agree more 🙂 I even chuckled at the fact that you are considerately warning me. I do the same when I get a FB friend request — because I need to feel free to express myself, without concern about a potential reader’s judgment. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much, that’s very kind. However, the Liebster Award is for new bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Actually all the so called “awards” are nominations, there is never an actual award. I suppose the nomination is the award :-).

      I will stay an award free blog. I don’t want to participate in the “blog politics” and hope that’s alright. I do appreciate you thinking about me. Made my day

      Liked by 1 person

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