Blast From The Past – About Religion, Acceptance And Love


I am not a big reblogger, but this one deserves it. A good post about religion and acceptance should be in the word press discovery reader. Why is it not?
Well here you go:

A Momma's View

I often think that talking or writing about religion is a hot iron. Opinions are strong when it comes to that subject. And yet it’s something that affects and moves all of us in one way or another. Here’s a blast from the past about some of my thoughts in regards to religion, acceptance and the love we should share.

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Who is Mentor?


Today’s daily prompt asks us -again- if we ever had a mentor and what was the greatest lesson we have learned from him or her?

The  question made me wrinkle my forehead. I do that, when I find something a little bit odd. Odd is the fact, that this daily prompt is just another rerun, but although odd is the question itself. Why? Because we all had mentors throughout our lives, different people in different positions. Do I want to point one out? I really can’t, because they all have been looking out for me, in different ways and in different positions. Continue reading