The Song of Songs -Against Forgetting

The Agropolis, early morning hours.

I fought with the Greek Gods in school and learned the old Greek language -not by choice but by force at first. As children, we all tried to understand “The Odyssey” an epic poem that we had to read, but understood years later. My love for Greece and its people came naturally afterward when I finally started to understand the old philosophers.

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Share your world 2016 Week 3

share my world

What is your favorite piece of art? (it doesn’t have to be famous)

I bought this picture at a thrift store, for a the outrages amount of $7. I fell in love with it and it hangs since years in our living room. I wish I could make out the artists signature, because I would like to have more information about the picture and the painter. I think it’s a very unusual piece of art and I would like to know what the painter had in mind.  Continue reading