Lost -Friday Fictioneers

friday fictoneers


I am so glad they showed me this shortcut; it’s so much faster. I am already late; dinner will be served soon. My hotel is just around the corner. I will take a shower, dress up and will storm the buffet, like all the other tourists. 

I just wish all these Greek houses wouldn’t look alike. I love to glance at them from the beach, but right now I am hoping to see some color that could guide me.

Almost there, “Nope, that isn’t it.

I am lost, will have to turn around. I will be late for dinner -again.

the end

The 100-word Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. I joined this beautiful challenge last week and had a ball. Step on the magical online carpet >>>here<<< and check it out.

It’s fun. Thank you~!


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