The Best Fuckin Ever

Our headlines are so often used purposely to lure potential readers to our blogs, but in this case, today, it’s not bait, it’s not meant to provoke or draw attention, no, it’s the simple, magnificent truth. Today I will write about The Best Fuckin Ever and I will do it with the biggest smile on my face, a grin I don’t often show or share.

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2020 – Bras, Antiques and Face Masks

Dave Barry's Year in Review 2020 - The Washington Post

On the last day of 2020, I would like to share part of my life on my blog. 2020 has not been bad for me -far from it. I made interesting discoveries and my workrooms were messier than ever. I learned to sew face masks, made my husband my sewing apprentice, and before we knew what hit us we were were sewing, selling, and donating masks left and right. I started to collect bras.

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Share your World – 2016 Week #31


What is your favorite part of the town/city you live in?  And what Country do you live?

We live in Columbus, Ohio, and I still try to make peace with the city. I don’t like Ohio, and I am not objective when it comes to judging the state, the city or people who are from here. I treat the city like a one-night stand. Somehow it happened, but I prefer not to talk about it.  Continue reading