This was my January 2024

This is my first monthly review in 2024, and I am already running late. It seems I have been falling behind with everything and I am still playing catch-up. Too much has been going on. On January 7th, my doctor declared me ‘healthy’ again. After weeks of battling a cold that had lingered for weeks, I could finally stop the antibiotics and I restarted my low-dose chemo drug.

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A Life Backward?

Image result for innocence painting

“People say you’re born innocent, but it’s not true. You inherit all kinds of things that you can do nothing about. You inherit your identity, your history, like a birthmark that you can’t wash off. … We are born with our heads turned back, but my mother says we have to face into the future now. You have to earn your own innocence, she says. You have to grow up and become innocent.” 

― Hugo Hamilton, The Sailor in the Wardrobe Continue reading

A Blogging Crisis?

I haven’t been blogging much lately. Every time I sat down at my desk with the intention to write a post, our now nine-month-old Vader laid down at my feet and looked at me with his puppy eyes. Perfect dog owners don’t grow on trees, they are carefully trained by their dogs -and I knew I had to spend more time with him.

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Finally, 2022 in Review

January is almost over and I still haven’t written my review of the year we just left behind. I don’t like walking backward into the future but feel I would if I don’t lay last year down to rest as a memory. It was an eventful year. Twelve months full of challenges, successes, and failures. Great movies and wonderful books were part of my journey, as were plastic bottles and dirty tubs.

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Spare Me

A 38-year-old born Prince decided to wash the royal dirty laundry in a book. While officially turning his back on the royals in Great Britain, he most certainly gets the royal treatment -as demanded- everywhere he goes and he is cashing in on his fame, his position, and royalties nicely.

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