How George Bush’s funeral gave me back hope

Image result for george H.W. Bush

I made an unbelievable discovery this week, and ever since I am in peace. I felt a dramatic shift in me and in the blink of an eye, the balance in me was restored.

Like so many of us, I watched the funeral of former President Georg H. W. Bush. Not in full lengths -one has to work to make a living- but I listened to it during my work and looked up at the TV screen when I wanted to. Continue reading

The lonely funeral


A bagpiper was recently asked  by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery in the back country. The bagpiper was not familiar with the backwoods, he got lost and, being a typical man, he didn’t stop for directions. Continue reading

Living Will or Death Wish?


There is beauty in everything.

Recent events brought to my attention, that I might not live to be a hundred as I planned. I mean don’t get me wrong, nothing has changed, I still plan on sitting on the porch of an assistant living home – high up in my 90’s. I will be listening to “Uprising” by Muse -just to rock the boat- and my husband will be right by my side, sipping his watered down beer through a straw. Continue reading