My Love for Boring Films

The Boring Conference – the fascinating world of the mundane and ordinary |  Conferences | The Guardian

In 9th grade, after reading about Joan of Arc, we watched Carl Dreyer’s 1928 The Passion of Joan of Arc, a French silent historical film. Some of the girls in our girl’s only boarding school were quickly bored, and continued to look at the teenage magazines they had smuggled into the auditorium, the rest of us were mesmerized by the screen.

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Back in School

Convent (left) Church(middle) and School (right) from above

I watched the news last night, saw the pictures of our “new” old schools and I while I am glad they made them safer, I feel saddened at the same time. Many of the schools now look like prisons. The school shootings have left marks. Locked and guarded doors, steel walls, double entrees and armed security guards on duty are now the norm in many schools.

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Sink Deep and Think!


Greek philosophers


I learned about great philosophers in school, and lots of what they had said didn’t make any sense to me back then. I felt intimidated by their wisdom and their profound way of thinking. What did they have what I didn’t? Was it their age, or were they just born with a deeper understanding of everything around them? Continue reading