The Coronavirus around the World


Could it be that simple? Kids and teachers in Thailand wear special hats, which make sure that they keep the necessary distance.  I love the idea for many reasons. First of all, I can see that it illustrates distance in a way a child will understand.

We are not used to stay away from each other, it’s hard to think about it all the time. Perhaps I need a hat like that myself, especially in the grocery stores.

The hat looks like fun and I have a feeling some of the kids are mighty proud of their new headdress. I like the personal touch, especially the hippo. Even if the child doesn’t wear it, like the boy in the first row, it sits on the desk showing the needed distance.

I wish we would be open-minded enough to accept the fact that other countries might be dealing with the same problem a bit better -or different.

We all wish for the schools to re-open, but we also wish that our teachers, kids and parents will be safe. Now is not the time for experiments, now is the time for safety and precaution.






9 thoughts on “The Coronavirus around the World

  1. Donald will definitely consider such a creative approach to saving children and their teachers, except of course everyone in the world, except his supporters, know he doesn’t care about anyone, except himself

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