Forever Now

Forever Now

When eternity touches the moment
When presence consents to love
When being engages in action
That is
Forever now

When wisdom is wedded to feeling
When your heart is invaded by truth
When pureness submits to all colours
That is
Forever now

When stillness is flooded with passion
When your eyelids are kissed by the sun
When all things are outshined in beauty
That is
Forever now

from The Happiness of Is: Poems of Wonder – Pictures of Delight, by Günter Saure
Original Language English & German

To wonder is to begin to understand. The poems and pictures are an invitation to open yourself, your awareness, to an experience beyond the conceptual mind and conventional point of view. They can be seen and felt as expressions of the beauty and grace revealed when we stop trying to make sense of everything and searching for meaning everywhere . . .(The introduction to the book)

14 thoughts on “Forever Now

  1. There is so much in the world that we only catch a brief look at as we hurry through life. Some things do not catch our attention, but when we see something amazing, read something enlightening, or experience something uplifting then we gain a little bit of magic to add to our treasures.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Beautiful words. Wondering makes life more interesting and understandable. We can’t just accept things because somebody said them. That is why children will almost always put there hand on a hot stove to see if Mom was right. Sometimes as we get older, we lose our sense of wonder. Have a great day. Allan

    Liked by 2 people

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