Cheap but not easy~!

Flowers 017

We were laughing the other day, when my husband called me a “plant rescuer”. We were sitting outside with friends when he made that statement. I had to laugh, I knew what he meant. 

He pointed around and made statements like “a dollar”, “25 cents”, “50 cents” and he went on and on. I was surprised, when I heard him putting the right amount on the plants.

Plant rescuer sounds so much nicer than saying I am cheap. Every year in spring -when I have spring fever like everyone else- we drive around and stop at all of our favorite nurseries and local hardware stores with a garden department.

The winters have been hard lately and our plants are covered with snow for a very long time. Many plants come back, but we loose some to the freeze every year…off we go to buy new ones.

I have lost touch with the raising prices a while back. Our income and the living costs are out of balance since a few years. I can’t, or don’t want to afford hundreds of dollars every year for just a few new garden plants. So I buy “clearance plants”, the ones that nobody wants to buy anymore, just because their blooming season is over, or they might have some temporary flaws.

Somewhere hidden in the back of each store are the unwanted plants, the ones that got marked down for a last chance sale, before they will die in a dumpster. These shelves are bargain heaven for me. My middle name is “cheap” and “clearance” is my all time favorite word. So today, on Frisbee Wednesday, I show you some of my bargain babies.

A little palm tree was in a card at Walmart after Mother’s Day. It looked pitiful. The dirt was dried out, the leaves were hanging down and it was stuck in the ugliest orange pot I had ever seen. 50 cents was all they wanted and I took it home. This was 2 years ago and yesterday I took some pictures of  my “Baby”. It is outside, big and healthy, enjoying the daily rains and the humidity and I just noticed the new growth on the bottom.

The following are pictures of the plants I bought last year, most of them for 50 cents or a Dollar. Just the key-lime Hydrangea was more expensive, I paid $6 for both plants. I bought them, because our old Hydrangea’s were not coming back and I had never heard of a key-lime colored one. I wasn’t sure they wold make it, the looked so tiny and unhealthy. Now, just one year later they are the “star” in our yard. They grew over 3 feet and they are full with blooms, that we will enjoy, if it ever stops raining.

So I guess the saying “I am cheap, but not easy” is fitting for me like a butt on a bucket 🙂

Serendipity’s photo prompt or Frisbee Wednesday

This prompt is fun!

18 thoughts on “Cheap but not easy~!

  1. I think the real magic is that you have such a talent as a green thumb!! It seems I have the opposite experience … I buy healthy plants and slowly manage to kill them. Some, not so slowly 😦
    Your *bargain babies* are beautiful!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful beautiful beautiful!! I also like to rescue the plants that have been deemed no good and on a shelf one step from the garbage. Your garden is amazing and lush. Wonderful 😀


  3. Wow!! What an admirable collection and that every drop of hard work in reviving them is seen so obviously in their Colors!! Well done ☺️☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh! Those hydrangeas are gorgeous! When we renewed our wedding vows for our 35th anniversary, my bouquet was green hydrangeas and purple roses. It was so beautiful. We dried it and it’s sitting in our bedroom. You sure have a green thumb there, kiddo. I tried growing hostas and I thought they were supposed to be easy. I killed ’em! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is ,more or less,what I do every spring…
    And when some friends give me some small roots of their plants I try (and manage) to cultivate them in my balcony…
    Looking at your gorgeous garden , I think you are definitely a green-thumb ,( which I’m not ) ! Bravo!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I also get the cheapest and the clearance. I mean, $20 for a plant??? Are you serious? Does it bloom gold nuggets? I think not. So I’m all about the rejects and the tiny little cuttings that have to be nursed to health. Some make it, but others don’t. I have about six thriving plants in my house right now and two that are dying… and I don’t know why. *sigh* It’s a crap shoot with me and plants. As for outdoors, if it can’t make it on its own with very little help from me, then it’s gonna die. I’ll put it where I want it to grow and then it has to want to survive. ^_^

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  7. In an earlier lifetime, I was an ardent, passionate indoor gardener. I had hundreds of plants. Many of them came to me as cuttings from friends, or were my own cuttings. Or the “leftovers” and “clearance” plants from nurseries. One year, the botanical gardens had a clearance sale on orchids … basically as many as you could fit in your car for $5. I had a LOT of orchids for a while, but they never did well in my house. Wrong light, wrong something. Most things did very well and I had no curtains or drapes. All my windows were covered in hanging plants, plants on glass shelves, planters atop radiators. Before I left for Israel, I had to rehome more than 250 full-grown plants. Boston ferns the size of Boston. Dracaena 12 feet high. I have one of them now, but today I have just 3 plants indoors: a huge dracaena marginata that came with me from my first apartment circa 1987, so it’s a pretty mature plant — and a couple of prolific little Christmas cacti. You never know. If the cutting fairy leaves me a few cuttings, I might decide to grow a few more things. This post SO reminded me of the me I used to be 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I liked your answer until you mentioned “Christmas cacti”. These damn tings (sorry) don’t like me. They never bloom and for sure not at Christmas time. I have lots of Orchids. They do very well. they are outside for 2 months in May and June, under a tree in the shade when it rains a lot. They bloom like crazy. The rest of the year they get only ice cubes.

      Too funny, I just looked at a hanging glass shelf system at Amazon. I am going to buy me this for Christmas. Too cool. Yes, we sound a lot a like and that’s not a bad thing. Wait until I show you a collection of my cuttings 🙂

      PS. We can’t afford Boston ferns here, but one day I will have one, probably stolen somewhere when I will be up in your area (grin)


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