Distance – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers.jpg

Photo Prompt Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

I want to run, run in the sun and jump up high and land on a cloud.

Laughter and joy I always carry with me, that’s the luggage I travel with through life. It’s the sorrow and the problems that I would like to leave behind for just a short while.

From above the world will seem smaller, and my troubles won’t matter anymore.

Perspective, that’s what I need right now; a bit of a distance to make sense of the world below.

Traveling on the clouds for just a short while, perhaps that’s a vacation we all should take.

Word count: 100

The Friday Fictioneers are held by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The 100-word challenge gives a different photo every week, and we write and compare our short stories with other bloggers and writers. It’s a fun challenge, and I always look forward to it.

22 thoughts on “Distance – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Love this. It is all about the perspective, we just have to remember that. Love the line “Laughter and joy I always carry with me, that’s the luggage I travel with through life. “

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