4 minutes and 38 seconds

I wish for peace and find myself torn
I am always with the children of the lesser god
because let’s face it, that’s what we think they are.
Less important.
Israel, oh Israel, how I cried with you when the attack happened.
How I feared for the hostages.

Palestine, oh Palestine, how I am crying now with you,
every day, every week for many months.
Children, of a god of less importance to us.
We judge harshly. We must be loyal to the god we know
the color of our skin and history dictate our feelings.

Yet I want to feel my own way. I want to judge with my heart
eyes closed, just listening as grandma told me.
“Child don’t look with your eyes, look with your heart.”
It’s complicated.

I want peace. I need peace, and feel naive when I write this.
This world doesn’t listen to me – or others
This word is cruel to many, perhaps I am too?

4 Minutes and 38 seconds ripped my heart out
“Teach your children not to hate.”

How can a twelve-year-old poem hit so hard today?

When did this insanity start?

2024, or twelve years ago, perhaps 1967 or 1948?

Israel has suffered, and so have Palestinians.
The levels of death and destruction on each side
are so mind-numbingly lopsided.

A thousand for 10?

Holocaust then does not excuse genocide now

It’s always the kids, the innocent who suffer the most.

History books will judge us
We will be dead
Our blogs will be gone

In a hundred years,
will they still say, “Don’t teach your children to hate?”

Or will humans be better than?

Will there be peace?

We teach life, sir.

It hit me hard!

21 thoughts on “4 minutes and 38 seconds

  1. These are both so intense. Sadly, as long as there is envy and greed in the world there will be hate and war… people always want more, add the thirst for power to that and it is a grab for all the land and followers you can get. But the leaders are all safe in their ivory towers while the masses pay in blood. I wish there was a way to make it stop.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. There are times that I think we should send post-menopausal women over there with fire in their hearts. Because we are a scary bunch and we mean business, but we are the wise ones who bring sanity to this human family.

    “Now LOOK HERE!” we would say. “You go to your rooms right now and think about what you have done! No excuses. And you cannot come out until BOTH OF YOU are ready to appologize and play together in peace!”

    Liked by 2 people

    • AAAAAAAAAMEN!!!!! AAAAAMEN!!! You DEFINITELY got that right!!! I Love the way you put that! Speaking from someone like myself who is also post-menopausal, we definitely are a scary bunch! 💯💯 Lord knows I am. I’ve always been told I’ve got a fire under my a**. lol 😂 it could be from being post-menopausal or it could also be from being Scottish, Irish, German and Indian. It runs in my blood. 😂 I’ve got quite the fire to me. I tell it like it is and don’t hold back. We ladies are the game changers. In this day and age, we must fight for what’s ours and restore what’s been broken by standing up against our rival enemies who are doing nothing but destroying what so many of us worked so hard to build!


    • Something has to happen, I am just not sure what. There is a movie “Independence Day” when the world comes together, because aliens threated life on earth.

      World War II brought the allies (UK, Russia, France and the Soviet Union) together to fight the enemy, Germany.

      Perhaps post menopausal women could be a force nobody should ever underestimate.


  3. There is no understanding in the wars being waged against ideology. Humanity ceases to exist when we try to control or annihilate a faction or group whose beliefs do not align with ours or for every one who dies for the cause, another 100 zealots are born. The basic tenet of Do Unto Others as you would Have Them do Unto You seems to be pushed aside.


  4. “Child don’t look with your eyes, look with your heart.” What a great saying, wish everyone thought this way. I believe in a hundred years the problem will still be here as the last hundred did nothing to change this horrible disease. Have a great and blessed day

    Liked by 1 person

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