Share your world Week #35

topiary 2

What made you feel good this week?

I decided to take two days off. I can’t even remember when I took a few days off, so I think it was about time. I did nothing useful and it felt so good. I needed it.

For potlucks or parties do you cook it yourself, buy from a grocery store, or pay for catering?

I cook all the time, it’s an inherited disease. I love to invite people over. It makes me happy, when they like what I serve. I always get the same requests, if there is a potluck and I don’t mind making it. I  might not be able to eat everything anymore, but I still enjoy cooking it.

What is your favorite part of the town/city you live in.  And what Country do you live?

We live near Columbus Ohio and we always joke, asking ourselves, “How in the world did we end up here?” Ohio was quiet a shock for me when we moved here. Even now, after years, I still try to get used to it.

But…there is one place that I really love. It is the Topiary Park. If you ever come to Columbus and you like art, then that’s a must-see. The Topiary Park is a landscape of a painting of a landscape.

… If an artist can paint a picture of a landscape — art mimicking nature — then why not a sculptor creating a landscape of a work of art — nature mimicking art? The topiary garden is both a work of art and a work of nature. It plays upon the relationships between nature, art and life.” (Source

Summer or winter, I like to go there. It’s like stepping into a painting.

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Complete this sentence:  My favorite place in the whole world…..

…is Rome, Italy. That’s where I would like to have a summer home, so I could take long vacations with my husband -if we ever retire. We would have to  hit the big jackpot in the lottery first, to make it happend. That would be my dream, spending half a year in Italy and the winters her in Ohio.


Colloseo, Roma, Italia

This weeks Share your world #35 at Cee’cees blog, more can be found >>>here<<<

17 thoughts on “Share your world Week #35

  1. “I cook all the time, it’s an inherited disease” <- hilarious and me too! Cooking for others makes me feel special, too. So few people cook for a crowd in my circle. Hope you're having a great weekend 😀

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