Dreams and Wishes -Friday Fictioneers


I watched “Easy Rider” with all the other girls from boarding school. I sat in the old movie theater in the South of Germany, and my mind was made up.

One day I would see America and I would travel west on Route 66, like so many before me.

Just ten years later, in 1985 I stood beside my husband and looked at the road ahead.

Old song lyrics came to my mind:

Travel my way, take the highway that is best.
Get your kicks on Route sixty-six.

Life has been kind to me. Dreams and wishes do come true!

(Word Count: 100)


It’s already November; time is flying by. This is my post for this week’s Friday Fictioneers. This time it’s not all fiction, but an actual story 0f my life.

The 100-word photo challenge is held by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Please, click >>>here<<< and join the fun. It’s amazing how much we can tell with just a hundred words.

16 thoughts on “Dreams and Wishes -Friday Fictioneers

  1. Dear Bridget,

    You are truly a woman after my own heart. My husband and I saw Easy Rider on our first date and I am an avid Nat King Cole fan. Don’t let our name fool you. It’s not all fiction here. 😉 Wonderfully written. A heart warmer.



    Liked by 1 person

  2. That was so sweet. So funny… I started singing “Born to be Wild” in my head as soon as you mentioned Easy Rider! And then the wonderful Nat comes along… (my fave)


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