Friday Fictioneers – Honor


Photo by Lucy Fridkin

‘See, I told you I would bring you home,’ she whispered softly.

She smiled when she said it, smiled the way only a woman in love can smile.

Down there they were waiting for him, with their shiny shoes and their spotless uniforms.

Up here she still had a few minutes left to prepare for the ceremony.

Soon, there would be flags and speeches and hugs from people she had never met.

A soldier is coming home today and they are waiting for him.

Sadly, he had to come home in a coffin to finally get the honor he deserved.

(Wordcount: 100)

The Friday Fictioneers are held by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.  The 100-word challenge taught me to make every word count. “Cut the crap, get to the point, Bridget,” I think I needed that. 🙂

Join us, it’s fun!

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