Smart Ass Tuesday

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I was searching for a new vacuum cleaner, my old one had finally died, after years of abuse in my workroom. I was searching online, hoped to find a new cheap, upright-suction-wonder machine that would help me to shrink the cushion inserts.

As so often, I ended up on Amazon, and sure enough, there was a $79 vacuum cleaner with high praises for his suction power -just what I had been looking for.

I read the reviews, and when I thought I had made up my mind, I got distracted by utter madness. A customer with a two-digit IQ had asked a question and reading the answers entertained me thoroughly.

Here is the stunning question:


Good grief! Really?
Of course, it forced people to give her smart ass answers, and some of them are brilliant.

75/23% poly cotton blend w 3% spandex- the shirt from Kohl’s “Craftique” line was initially made popular by a government mind control program centered around pumpkin spice ice cream, of all things.

monad answered on December 26, 2015

 And it went on and on from there.


vaccuum 3

I did buy the vacuum, and it came without the shirt. 🙂

(Source: Amazon)


21 thoughts on “Smart Ass Tuesday

  1. Hilarious! I think you were short changed if the shirt wasn’t in your package!

    I get caught up in the clever things people say in response to someone with a ridiculous Tweet! Some people are just so naive in what they say, and then the smart asses are all over them. I can read for hours, laughing uproariously. And I frequently say the same as you did….”Aargh! These people vote!!” You gave me a laugh tonight. Thank you!

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