And Life goes on! The World behind plastic!

Many people in Asia wear ‘Face Shields’ instead of face masks. Dancers in Bangkok are still very beautiful when they perform.

A newborn in Hanoi, Vietnam is also protected by a face shield. In general, one might wonder whether Asia is one step ahead of us, even if it obviously means that large parts of social life will play behind plastic in the future.

Life goes on -we adjust. Dining out in Bangkok today! Perhaps we could learn from it, even if it seems strange at first glance. Maybe we should stop talking about the ‘new normal’ and start living it?

“Life in plastic, it’s fantastic” was a visionary line in “Barbie Girl”, a bizarre nineties hit that the older ones of you will remember with shudder.

Children in China are back in school, the older kids first, and the way it looks like it’s working just fine. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Perhaps we should start making lemonade! Maybe the question is not WHEN to reopen the economy, but how?

A band in Washington during rehearsal. The music never stops!


7 thoughts on “And Life goes on! The World behind plastic!

  1. Hmm. The proliferation of plastic is a bit of a worry. Since lockdown we have acquired a mountain of plastic bags from our online deliveries. I fear the climate emergency, though less visible and still not painful to many people, is the greater problem.

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      • Interesting. Waitrose used to deliver bag-free (though we shopped directly with old cloth bags), but have resorted to plastic during the lockdown. Cardboard would be fine, I guess it uses more space in the vans. After being given priority slots, I feel I can’t make a fuss about bags, but I might ask a question about it if the chance arises.


  2. Interesting. This made me think about playing in the community band again, each of us in our own plastic bubble and how that would change our sound. Maybe for the better, to be honest! 🙂

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