Knock, knock…anybody there?


I took the day off today, my husband is working, the house is clean and the dogs are sleeping. It’s me time, “Yeah…blogging time”; let’s see what other’s are up to?

I went to the daily prompt, what feels like a bad addiction lately. It’s like a need a daily fix of disappointment in my overall happy life. Nothing new there, just another rerun of a rerun, more of the same as always. I sat down and wrote another post about the green-eyed monster, wondering how many more there will be in the future.

The daily prompt is like a car with flat tires, the air is out; the car has a hard time driving along. Passengers try to push the vehicle, but sooner and later they will give up and will walk away.

Then I had a genius idea and went to my reader. I didn’t have too much time lately and I was wondering what other bloggers were writing. I read the posts of the people I follow, then I clicked on “freshly pressed” and I started to wonder. What I saw there was almost the same thing I saw just a couple of weeks ago. “It can’t be, I must be mistaken”. I clicked on one of the posts and it showed July 2015 as the writing date, another was from March 2015 and one even from November 2014.”

So, let me try to understand. Nothing interesting has been written since November 2014 to replace this post? I doubt it seriously, because I have read a few. (Word press, if you can’t find them…go and snoop around in my reader. You will find some talented writers, who are dealing with some extraordinary subjects).

Now try to let me get this straight. The people responsible for the daily prompt are understandably worn out after 5 years and they left the building. Nothing new in sight, suggestions are getting ignored, questions won’t get answered. I assume that means you guys don’t care anymore?

But, here I am and I would still like to write and post? I still would like to read what other people have to say about the same subject.

I was thinking about it for quite some time. I will start my own writing challenge “Ladybug’s writing challenge” and you guys better hide, because I will challenge some of you. 🙂

I am not sure if it might work, but what’s there to loose, it can’t be worse than the daily unprompt..right?

How about every Saturday, so we will have time to think about it? Would that work?

So here is the first challenge:

A stranger rings your door bell “I hate to bother you, but could I come in.” This is the start of a conversation you thought you would never have, it leads to an adventure you thought would never happen.

Take the challenge, write your post and link to this one so that I can find it or list your post in the comment. Spread it further if you want to, challenge the bloggers whose post you love to read. Maybe we can get something going. If not..oh well 🙂


16 thoughts on “Knock, knock…anybody there?

  1. Pingback: Blogging 101: Zero to Hero (Day 17 – Increase Your Commenting Confidence ) | Newshound to Novelist

  2. Way to take initiative, Bridget. While at a WP event during the spring, they explained that they were revamping how the picked Freshly Pressed. I don’t remember the details but it sounds like you are noticing a difference.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Life Can Change In An Instant | MLou's Photography Blog

  4. Pingback: “Ladybug’s writing challenge” The Knock at the Door | Morpethroad

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