Tweet, tweet


I got a twitter account. Me, the older lady, who doesn’t really participate in social media other than the blogging world. Can you believe that? I am not really sure what to do with it, but so far it’s fun.

These days it seems every idiot can tweet, so I decided to help my blogging friends to raise the bar a little bit.

I won’t tweet much, but rather share what I am looking at or what interests me. I am afraid it will be -just like my blog- all over the place. Well, that’s me, what can I say.

If you have a Twitter account, please, leave the link in the comment section, so I know how to find you. Facebook is next (just kidding!)

Image result for twitter fun



15 thoughts on “Tweet, tweet

  1. I had a twitter account for a bit but then decided who wants to hear what I have to say anyway?? I did enjoy connecting with some famous chefs I followed – they would respond personally if I tweeted something about them- which was exciting. I do have an Instagram account which I love and I have been on Facebook forever- it reconnected me with childhood friends and keeps me in touch with relatives far away

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