Dear Death~!


A good of friend of mine passed away recently. She was 95 1/2 years old and it wasn’t unexpected, but still death left a mark once again. I met her when she was in her late 80’s and fell instantly in love with the little, stubborn, old Lady, who became our neighbor.

I knew this friendship would sooner or later end with heartache and was very well aware of her age -still we became close friends. I often walked over to her house and we watched TV or just talked. We went shopping together and participated in each other’s Holidays and special events. She always had a bottle of my favorite wine in the fridge and I spoiled her with my cooking as often as I could.

Death is coming more often into my life lately and I don’t like it. Death is taking my friends away, one by one, but not just that, death lingers in my mind. Every time I lose someone, I start thinking about who will be next. Will it be me? What about my husband? Instead of enjoying life to the fullest, I sit there reminiscing and wondering. How long do I have and what will be?

All of it is so against my nature. This has to stop~!

 Dear Death 

I am writing to officially complain about your constant lurking, particularly in the corners of my mind, heart and soul. 

The first 20 years of my life were fine, you left me pretty much alone, but the last 31 years were different; I was always aware of your presence. You have had me in fear, that you could take away my life and send me hurling into a celestial abyss anytime you wanted to. You have had me in fear, that you would take my husband away or any other person I love. You left me scared and I started to wonder about my own demise as well. Not so much about the “when” but I started to fear about how you would get me. I came a few times close to meet you, but you backed off. Did I scare you?

You are putting up quite a show and you use special effects like wars and diseases, along with random weird acts by crazy people to scare me and you have succeeded so far.

I am writing this to inform you that I have canceled my subscription to your mindless propaganda, please remove my name from your mailing list. Let me explain why:

Death, you are an impostor, you are a fraud. You have paralyzed me, you have paralyzed an entire species. I am sorry to inform you, that it is not longer working. I feared you for too long…not anymore. I finally realized that you are just a part of life and there is nothing to fear. I live under life’s jurisdiction, which states plainly and in bold letters, that one day, life as I know it, will end. It will happen at an undisclosed time and at an undisclosed location. There are no secrets involved; life has been upfront with all of us right from the start. It might be tomorrow, or in 30 years from today.

As far as life not letting us in on when we leave this earth, this is merely for entertainment purposes and is not the least bit malicious. After all, how exciting is a good story, when you know how it ends? 

My eyes are wide open now, I do not longer fear you. I am not longer paralized, I walk straight with my head held high.  I will not longer sour my life with thoughts about you; you are going to be none existing for me. 

You deserve to be pelted with rotten tomatoes in the town square and left in the hot sun till you shrivel to death yourself. 

Until we meet


c/c Life


27 thoughts on “Dear Death~!

  1. Pingback: He Said, She Said: Bloggers Edition #7. | Manuscript. Head. Drawer.

    • Death with Robert Redford’s face, well I guess we are allowed to dream aren’t we? 🙂

      Dignity, I guess that’s the one thing I would ask for as well. Please don’t take my dignity away and allow me to make a few decisions myself.


  2. Reblogged this on barclaydave and commented:
    This letter is amazing. As a friend of Death, having met him a few times already, I can understand people’s fear of dying. There’s really no need, Death when he calls, will take the pain away. I’m looking forward to living my life as I want without fear of meeting my friend again, maybe you can do that too?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So interesting, your letter. I watched so many relatives die early..mother, grandparents…all in their 50’s; and then recently my youngest sister at 48. I grew up believing/fearing that I’d most likely not make it to age 60. When I did, the fear dissipated, and I had a new appreciation for life. It was a sort of rebirth for me, and I’m 63 now and really enjoying myself. Love your post. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Apart your”letter”, which is full of humour and your courage to look at things in the face , I entirely agree with you regarding the ” Death with dignity” movement and considering Death as a natural part of life….
    My eyes are wide open , too , and ‘que sera , sera’…..Is my motto.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I read a book a couple of years ago about a place where death refused to come. The horror that was life without death. Most people don’t want to die, but for many people, death is a mercy. I wish there were no laws about this. It ought to be left to people to choose how they want to depart this earth.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Like you said, it’s a natural part of life. I’m really glad that more and more people are being allowed to die at home now. I think for so long we insisted they be in hospitals to our detriment because it made death seem unacceptable and wrong. Bringing them home where they belong to pass in familiar surroundings with those people and things they love is the best thing if it can be arranged. Just my opinion. But I know some families aren’t equipped to care for someone who is dying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dying at home is often possible with the help of hospice. You are correct, death is or should be a natural part of life. However, it’s not so natural anymore…we prolong death and I am not going to be satisfied until people are allowed to die with dignity…as they should. I watched my SIL last year and it was one of the cruelest things I had ever seen, backed up my medicine and religion. She was suffering for months, just because she lived in the wrong state and they couldn’t afford to move.


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