We have lost it!



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We, as a nation, have lost it. We have lost focus, and we are losing it more and more every day.

I look at Trump, and I can’t help but think he is distracting us from what is really going on. He makes lots of noises; every day there is something else, and none of it is good. Our journalists, the press, and the media are doing their part, and we follow like the rats followed Pied Piper.

“What did he say today?” and “What will he do or not do?” Questions over questions and there is no answer in sight. We hired an entertainer, and that’s what we will be getting for the next 4 years. Entertainment! Do we really don’t care anymore what is going on?

Women’s rights, gay rights, transgender rights, the environment, healthcare and our kid’s futures is at stake; many changes are being done hidden and quietly every day. Yet, we continue to focus on Trump.

In the background, there are Pence, Session and Bannon and many more angry, white men destroying the country we all love.

We like spectacle, don’t we? Well, now we got it. Reality TV in the White House, more drama to come, not on a daily base, but by the hour.

Yesterday, we even talked about a Twitter typo and people spent hours writing and talking about it. Are we really that superficial and so easily entertained?

And if we are not distracted by loud noises, then we entertain ourselves, and we continue to hate each other. Like, little kids, we continue to hit each other with words, and we offend each other any chance we get. The LIBERAL SNOWFLAKES and the RIGHTWING NUTS are in the ring, and they show no mercy; they are at each other’s throat.

How can humans forget to be human?

We judge people not just by color but by the gods now and even question science -education and intellect is getting offended. Watching it and keeping an open mind is almost painful. How can we even think about leaving the Paris climate-change agreement?


Our democracy is under attack, our government is recontructed as we speak and we just follow the piper. We will end up isolated, perhaps that is the general idea behind it all.

We have truly lost it!

Image result for pied piper

50 thoughts on “We have lost it!

  1. As a bystander I have been wondering:
    Before anybody may be elected to be President of the USA with his own nuclear arsenal to play with, ought there not to be some kind of medical test to ensure that the president elects are all sane and reflected people with an understanding of ‘International Politics’ that will enable them to operate within reason? With a ‘medical diagnosis’ a president eleect may in a certain position risk the lives of millions of Americans and billions of people throughout the world. Such an election entails a certain resposibility on the American population!
    You boast to be the largest Democrasy in the world, but do the people uf America understand what that entails? And would a system, where only those able to collect billions of dollars in a campaign, will be taken seriously? That’s not ‘democrasy’. It’s closer to something quite different’!
    Like what you’ve got now!


    • I don’t think any country runs medical tests to ensure that the candidates are healthy and not just wealthy. I believe that has been done in monarchies, but nevere in the so called “free world.”

      Too many sat at home during the last election, didn’t want to vote for either candidate, that’s why Trump won. People are fed up with politics, the wanted a change. Trump was a protest vote that many regret -just like Brexit in the UK


      • You’re implying that a ‘Monarchy’ isn’t ‘a free world’`?
        I agree there are some despots around, but in the Scandinavian monarchies we speak andf write our mind whenever we feel like it.
        USA may be classified as a ‘free world’ (for those with enough money), but look what it got you, and where it brought you!
        We never thought it would actually be possible, but I guess the world got a lesson as well? Now you’ve got a narcissist (possibly psycotic as well) for president.
        That kind of people may be led by their noses given a psycho analyst runs the game, and that, my friend, makes me scared!

        Liked by 1 person

        • I have an European soul and it’s crying. I was raised by a woman who had to hide during WWII. I came here to the U.S. when I fell in love with my husband, more than 30 years ago.
          I know what you are talking about, I feel the same way. I saw so many warning signs, have written about it way before Trump became the nominee.


  2. I think media (who pays attention to the freakin’ media anyway? It’s full of yellow journalism, entertainment ‘news’ and bullshit..nothing real is reported on, but is spun to suit certain agendas. IMHO ) BUT. The reason ol’ Rump gets so much bad press and ill will (again IMHO) is because he is at the center of the mess. He causes much of it with his dim-witted ideas and poor choices. Who chose those horrible ‘2nd in command” men anyway? He was integral. The whole lot of them should be ousted and tried and convicted of treason. And it’ll never happen. Me? I’ve got stock in Kleenex because if and when I pay any attention (and it’s rare..it’s just too depressing) I just weep. It’s horrifying to think, as a nation, we’re that fuckin’ stupid.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. President Trump, Twitter Account is a huge distraction, George Bush though was always in news for silly statements. I think that Trump with some other reasons is an extension of the Freedom Caucus hold a large percentage in Congress and even blocking some of the President Trump’s steps like with Trump Care getting blocked.


  4. We have given this clown too much attention, more than he deserves. He has been isolating the USA more and more. And we need to continue to speak up against his reckless actions .

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Pingback: We Have Lost It! – The Militant Negro™

  6. My husband and I couldn’t decide yesterday if it was a reality show or a soap opera, Bridget. While behind the scenes, all the things that made America truly great are being dismantled. We are leading the world in the race to the bottom, and they are washing their hands of us. It’s depressing and infuriating; it will take decades to undo the damage, and some people won’t survive it at all.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mid-term elections can’t get here soon enough. Removing just a few of Its cronies from Congress will tie Its hands. And you’re right. Who the fuck decides to remove us from the Paris Accord?!? Oh, that’s right. The ponzi scheming, narcissistic puppet that the powers that be somehow got elected. Oh, and the coal barons who are pulling the strings and buying off every so-called leader in the GOP. Grand old party, my ass. Again, mid-term elections. Surely by then, most will realize what a mistake this circus has all been.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The entertainment (and overall weariness of it) keep us from delving into the bigger pictures that is happening before our eyes. So, tired and so sad from it all.

    Liked by 1 person

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